How ASTERRA Recover is Saving Henry County 10M+GPY

An Unsustainable Water Loss Rate

Beautiful Henry County, VA, population 55,000, sits just on the border of North Carolina, a little over 200 miles inland. Just prior to the first two satellite surveys ASTERRA conducted, they had an unsustainable NRW rate of 33% — 1.1 MGD out of 3.3M, a figure that had been rising consistently for several years.


We Found the Unfindable

Notoriously difficult-to-find non-surfacing leaks were the biggest culprit — more than 500,000 GPD of real water loss. ASTERRA Recover identified Points of Interest that led to 311 leaks found, including 135 otherwise nearly unfindable non-surfacing leaks to reduce NRW from 33% to 28% in six months.

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